Global Risk Modelling Alliance

The GRMA is designed as a public good. It constitutes a unique partnership that opens up private and public risk expertise, helping to build empowered, resourceful, climate and disaster-resilient communities.

The GRMA focuses on addressing growing impacts from natural catastrophes by closing the protection gap through increased awareness and knowledge of climate risks. It thus supports the objectives of Vision 2025 of the InsuResilience Global Partnership and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Call for Proposals

The GRMA aims to fill critical model and data gaps and enhance (sub-)sovereign climate and disaster risk assessment capabilities. Relevant gaps are identified and co-defined with country partners, and are then published in country-specific Call for Proposals.

We anticipate that these calls may be of interest to research institutions, academia, re-insurance brokers or carriers, commercial model vendors. Responses are welcome from individual organisations or consortia, and inclusion of local organisations in the response is strongly encouraged.

Currently, there is no open Call for Proposals.

Call for Proposals are managed and funded by the InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF), the host facility of the GRMA Programme.

  • Download Selection Criteria
  • Our purpose

    The GRMA brings access to climate and disaster risk insight where it is needed the most. Working side by side with officials and local experts in ministries and mayoral offices, it offers open risk management tools, data and access to operational risk finance expertise.

    The Global Risk Modelling Alliance is unique in offering private sector risk analytics capability for the benefit of public sector programmes, for public good. Ministries will gain and use the financial metrics to develop risk strategy – and access risk capital – with confidence. These collaborations have potential to lead to long-term, trusted relationships for the benefit of all.

    Join the Alliance

    The GRMA programme offers a unique service to countries and cities wishing to advance their capacities in finance-orientated climate and disaster risk analysis.

    Ministries and mayoral offices are invited to partner with the GRMA team to deepen their expertise and autonomy in understanding and pricing risk.

    The GRMA programme not only provides advice but also grant-funded modelling and data support according to local needs. Application of the advanced, open risk modelling techniques of the private sector with local research and data is essential to ensure the risk analysis is optimised for your specific risk profile and finance needs.

    For further information please visit GRMA's website or feel free to contact the GRMA team directly:

    Learn more

    Phases of the GRMA programme

    The GRMA team is available to work with ministry or agency officials from the outset to prepare for the application process and co-define the programme.

    Focus areas

    The InsuResilience Solutions Fund seeks to increase the resilience and capacity of developing and emerging countries to adapt to climate change by:
    1. Supporting comprehensive Climate Risk Analysis as the basis for governments, businesses and households to become more proactive in risk management and to make informed decisions on climate risk management and adaptation strategies.
    2. Offering studies and advice for the development of new concepts for Climate Risk Insurance solutions that take into account the specific needs of vulnerable populations and
    3. Co-funding the development and market introduction of insurance products, as well as supporting the expansion of existing innovative Climate Risk Insurance products.
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