Transforming strategies into insurance products Improving resilience to climate change
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The 11th Call for Proposals is open now!
Submit your Concept Note for the development and / or improvement of a Climate Risk Insurance product until Friday, 7 February 2025.
For more information on funding criteria as well as additional criteria for agricultural insurance projects, please see here.

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via

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InsuResilience Solutions Fund

The InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF) promotes the development of innovative and sustainable Climate Risk Insurance products in developing and emerging countries, to improve the resilience of vulnerable households against the impacts of climate change and natural disasters.

Call for Proposals

Transforming strategies into insurance products

The ISF provides grant-based co-funding of up to EUR 2.5m and advice to partnerships between (local) public entities (e.g. national or regional government bodies), private companies in the insurance sector and NGOs to

  • transform new Climate Risk Insurance concepts into products ready for market placement
  • bring successfully piloted Climate Risk Insurance products to scale.

Latest News & Upcoming Events

Scale-up of Loan-Linked Agricultural Parametric Product in Colombia

Frankfurt, Bogota

Colombia is one of South America’s most climate-vulnerable countries, experiencing a high recurrence of extreme weather events that threaten livelihoods nationwide. While all Colombians are impacted by climate change, r…

Best Practice session: Medellín

In this first session, we will present our partners’ journey towards enhancing Medellín’s urban resilience through insurance (see Project Brief). The first part of the session will provide insight into different aspects of t…

Costa Rica signs grant agreement for risk analytics support

Frankfurt, San Jose

Under the Global Risk Modelling Alliance (GRMA) programme, the Superintendencia General de Seguros (SUGESE) has signed a grant agreement with INGENIAR in joint venture with the Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics a l…

Focus areas

The InsuResilience Solutions Fund seeks to increase the resilience and capacity of developing and emerging countries to adapt to climate change by:
  1. Supporting comprehensive Climate Risk Analysis as the basis for governments, businesses and households to become more proactive in risk management and to make informed decisions on climate risk management and adaptation strategies.
  2. Offering studies and advice for the development of new concepts for Climate Risk Insurance solutions that take into account the specific needs of vulnerable populations and
  3. Co-funding the development and market introduction of insurance products, as well as supporting the expansion of existing innovative Climate Risk Insurance products.
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